At the heart of Digital Transformation is the utilization of cloud computing and collaborative productivity tools. Microsoft has re-invented itself from running software on PCs to a cloud computing powerhouse, and it is the most widely used enterprise cloud service today. The Microsoft tools have become more mobile and more collaborative and are enablers in the speed and reliability of Digital Transformation .  

Eight years after launch, Microsoft’s Office 365 is the most popular enterprise cloud service. It's estimated that one of every five corporate employees (20 percent) use an Office 365 cloud service. In fact, Office 365 has 155 million active users, which is doubled from 2017.

Office 365 provides the latest version of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote, Publisher, SharePoint, OneDrive and Skype for Business, and Access. The main reasons enterprise and SMBs alike have moved to Office 365 are Anytime - Anywhere Access, Security, and Reliability.  Office 365 also comes in several flavors or versions. The highest versions of Office 365 which now has versions that are named Microsoft 365, are already available and have office productivity tools that can be managed and shared between users.  The newest and highest-level versions of Microsoft 365 contain the newest features of Anti-threat Protection, Mobile Device Management(MDM), and phone capabilities. Side note, we have rolled out MDM and it works well for all types of devices and remote users.     

These new features of subscription-based software Office 365 are also can collaborate with the newest productivity tools that come bundled in the versions that most users are not aware of right now. Microsoft SharePoint, Teams, Video, Yammer and Delve are included in almost all versions of the product. Teams which has absorbed the Skype for Business functionality is quickly becoming a very important tool for all businesses and has proven productivity gains as noted at the Microsoft Inspire event. Teams is also being groomed to interface with Telephone systems.  OneDrive for business is recognized and widely used as almost all subscribers have started to use the cloud storage in some manner and is utilized as the main file storage mechanism for the tools and features alike. SharePoint Online has become a focus of Microsoft and supporting the other services such as 365 Groups, Teams, and Planner – all collaborative tools designed to improve productivity.  

If you are running your business on local machines, want to improve or re-invent your business, or get caught up on digital transformation and how it can benefit you -  call an expert – Call EIS!  

Contact us to learn more about Microsoft 365 and its tools to make better use of your Time, Talent, and Treasure

Call or contact EIS at 440-918-1040 or   
